Subsurface Characterization for Trenchless Projects
Trenchless technologies are becoming an increasingly common tool in the expansion and repair of public and private infrastructure. Utilized for all types of utilities, trenchless installations allow avoidance of surface and subsurface obstructions, while reducing carbon footprint during construction. Careful subsurface characterization is a fundamental component of any successful trenchless installation. This presentation will provide an explanation of common trenchless methods, and considerations for site and subsurface characterization intended to minimize risk during project design and construction.
Mr. Strater has over 19 years of engineering geology and geotechnical consulting experience, and has served as senior engineering geologist and project manager for a large variety of utility and infrastructure projects. His specialties include site characterization and design for trenchless projects, including horizontal directional drilling (HDD), microtunneling, pipe ramming, auger boring and pipe jacking. Mr. Strater presently serves on ASCE committees developing Manuals of Practice for Pilot Tube Microtunneling, and specialized boring units (SBU’s). Brierley Associates is a privately held, national tunnel, trenchless, geotechnical, and geostructural design firm, focusing on development of underground space.
This meeting is kindly being sponsored by Ashtead Technology
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