Geohazard Identification, Monitoring and Mitigation of Critical Assets in the Appalachian Region
Martin P. Derby, P.G., CPG
Vice President/Pipeline Geohazards
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This month's meeting is sponsored by Earth Dimensions

Presentation Outline/Abstract
Geohazards have the potential to adversely impact infrastructure in the Appalachian region, including pipelines. Unstable slopes, seismic, subsidence, and hydrotechnical (water erosion) hazards are just a few types of geohazards that will be discussed in detail. Performing geohazard assessments along pipeline corridors assists owners and operators in determining if a natural hazard may impact their assets. A phased approach can be used to identify, characterize, and ultimately mitigate/monitor potential geohazards. The phased approach begins with a regional-scale desktop assessment (Phase I) to identify, initially characterize, and qualitatively classify (e.g., low, moderate, high hazards) geohazards. Following the desktop assessment, a non-intrusive ground reconnaissance (Phase II) can be completed at targeted sites that warrant additional assessment. Following the ground reconnaissance, subsurface investigations (Phase III) such as drilling, test pitting, or geophysical surveys can be carried out at specific sites of concern to further characterize hazards. The Phase III program includes the collection of sufficient data to plan for and design site specific mitigation and/or monitoring, if deemed necessary. In-situ pipeline (e.g., strain gages) and slope monitoring (e.g., inclinometers, tilt meters, etc.) methods will be discussed, as well as other advanced monitoring methods, such as InSAR (satellite), LiDAR (airborne), and ground based InSAR. If a geohazard assessment and or monitoring deem that a mitigation is required, then a detailed design would need to be performed. Several slope mitigation case studies will be presented.
About Martin P. Derby, PG, CPG
Martin Derby is a long-time BAPG member and VP of Oil and Gas Programs/ Pipeline Geohazards at WSP USA and has over 39 years of experience in subsurface exploration, monitoring/pipeline subsidence, geohazard analysis & geotechnical design for soil stabilization. Martin is the Chair of the Association of Geohazard Professionals –Monitoring & Instrumentation and is also a committee member of the Geohazards group of the Marcellus Shale Coalition. Martin received his civil engineering technology degree from Hudson Valley Community College, his bachelor’s in geology from the University at Buffalo, and his master’s in geoscience from Montclair State University. Martin has co-authored eight published papers on geohazard identification, monitoring and slope mitigation in the past eight years and is a professional licensed geologist in New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Alaska. He is an international speaker on the impacts of geohazards on pipeline infrastructure/ monitoring techniques and has presented in countries including Argentina (Buenos Aires); Canada (Calgary); Italy (University of Rome); Peru (Lima); Scotland (Edinburgh), and Spain (Barcelona and Madrid), as well as various cities in the United States.